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The AMEDD Virtual Library (AVL) provides access to high-quality, evidence-based medical, nursing, and allied health information resources for Army Medical Department staff. The AVL ensures that all Army Medicine staff have access to core, essential information resources regardless of duty station. While on an Army Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) network or Virtual Private Network (VPN), no login is necessary to access AVL resources. Remote access to the AVL resources is available on the AVL Athens remote access platform. Register for an AVL Athens account.

If you are stationed at an MTF with a local medical library, you may not need to use the AVL at all. Some local MTF libraries maintain their own online libraries that include all of the AVL resources plus many additional resources only available at that MTF, so connect with your local library if one is available. Check the Army MTF Libraries page to determine if there is a medical library at your Post.

Library services such as literature searching, database instruction, and library orientation are not provided by the AVL; such services are only provided by the MTF medical libraries. The AVL will provide interlibrary loan support for staff at treatment facilities that are not required by MEDCOM regulation to maintain a local medical library. The AVL can only send articles to customers; interlibrary loan for books is not available.